Nothing! Which is why this post is to express the love i have for Purely Decadent Coconut Craze. I was going to title this post "Coconut Craze-y!!" but thought that was too much. Right?
So anyways, i took some pictures of it myself to prove that i'm actually eating this stuff......because...y'all probably think i lie that i actually eat what i'm posting about? i don't know....anyways, my sister and i were shopping at New Seasons (also known as cute boy central...for realz) the other day and she had a $1 off coupon and Purely Decadent was 2 for $5, so yes i got a whole pint for $1.50...sa-weet! I usually go for Cookies Avalanche but decided instead to try something new. Sister helped me pick out Coconut Craze, which i was only mildly excited about. That night i popped the pint open and had a bite: Oh-my-stars, so good! Not sure how many of you have gone to Pix Pattiserie here in Portland and had their Coconut Chocolate Chip Sorbet, but that is what this stuff tastes like, except it has the added bonus of roasted almonds. In the probable words of one Britney Spears "It was a party in my mouth, y'all!" With how many calories are per 1/2 cup(240) it has to be good, right?
karla! I love ice cream in cold weather too. now this is why we're friends.
I think we are all going to get along famously as I too love ice cream all year long. I just had the entire pint of Cookies Avalanche on Sat. night.
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