Well, fine....I went to VegFest a couple weekends ago and sampled quite a bit of stuff, but my favorite item is always the fake meat stuff. Tofurkey and Field Roast are always there, which fills my heart (and stomach) and makes me happy. My birthday was the following Monday and my friends and i got together and made pizza. Well, what goes better on pizza then faux sausage, right? Right! We had Tofurkey Sweet Italian with Tomato and Basil and we cut them up and sauteed them a bit before putting it on our pizzas and cooking them.
This is what my pizza looked like:
Good, right? It looks like it's missing cheese, but it was still killer, i swear. I put some tomato sauce, sauteed mushrooms, onions, and spinach, a few blanched broccoli florets, and the tofurkey sausage. After it was baked i put some pepper rings on it. With added nooch, it was just some of the best pizza ever! I just wish Hot Lips would carry some of the Tofurkey sausages to put on their vegan pies. I think i would go there a lot more. They don't really cater to the vegan crowd though. I used to work there and i would mention and hint to them to get some kind of protein topping for their vegan slices, but they would just say "yeah, we're working on it. we tried something with tofu but it didn't work, blah, blah, blah..." If you hadn't had their crust before, you should try it. They sell the dough so you can make your own pies at home.
Also, I would like to note that the girls of StumptownVegans invited me to be a guest on their podcasts that they do and i did it and it's now up to listen. It's all about the VegFest, so check it out. www.stumptownveganspodcast.com.
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