Last year around this time i went to a Vegan Holiday Festival and had a great time eating lots of samples of good and not so good things. At the fest i signed up to join NW Veg club (honestly, mostly get the free subscription for VegNews) and also with joining you got a bag of goodies. Most of those i still have at my house b/c for some reason i left them in the bag and put it in the corner, therefore forgetting about it and all the goodies it contained.
So while cleaning a couple weeks ago i found it and came across the PROBAR i had gotten. They're pretty new, i believe. I tried some of them at the fest but not much since i wasn't in the mood for a bar. In my bag i got the Apple Cinnamon Crunch flavor, which actually kinda made me sad since it's not the flavor i would pick. So for awhile i've been carrying it around in my purses in case i got hungry. I was finally hungry on Tuesday and opened it. It was delicious! I really enjoyed it. Not sure how many of you have had Bumble Bars (which in spite of the name doesn't actually have honey in them.....right? someone can correct me if i'm wrong), but that's what this bar reminded me of, but way better. It was thicker than a Clif bar, kinda the size of a Ritter Sport. And it was seedy deliciousness. It had great texture and it wasn't like a normal bar that has some kind of protein powder type taste to it. I like Clif bars, but it's not the same kind of thing. I look forward to tasting the other flavors.
"I was finally hungry on Tuesday..." That line made me laugh, whether it was supposed to or not. :)
There are several different Phoenix coffeehouses around town. John doesn't work at the one we took you to though. John says, "Feliz navidad"!
One of the women at my store is vegan and I sent her your blog for inspiration....as you know, there aren't as many vegan options in Cleveland.
OMG if I had joined NW Veg at the festival I would have gotten a free subscription to VegNews? bummer!
The problem I have with bars like that is that I hate buying them. For some reason I can't bring myself to buy small food items like that b/c I feel like I have enough stuff at home for a snack. I guess I hate feeling like I am nickel and diming the hell out of my fundage. The bars sound good though and I would totally try it if I got one for free.
I picked up a box of these at costco for a good price.
@anonymous - not sure how Costco got them cause PROBAR won't sell at Costco. They prefer to sell through independent shops and health food stores.
@K.E.N. - thanks for the post about PROBAR. If they are that good after a year of sitting around in your apt/house I'm sure you'll love them a couple of weeks off the production line. (They do have a no preservative 12 month shelf life).
If you'd like to test the other flavors, drop me a line and I can make it happen. kendall AT the probar DOT com
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