I'm definitely a Silk obsessed girl. Their "red" -aka plain- soymilk is my favorite and i love their Hazelnut soy creamer....and their yogurt is my favorite (cherry flavor is the best flavor!). But the only grocery store (of my usual grocery haunts) that sells their yogurt is Wild Oats and i don't go there too often. Only when i'm shopping after work. So when i'm getting my shop on at New Seasons i end up with Wildwood yogurt, which is more natural and probably more local as well since it comes from California. It's good. Their best product though is the Garlic Aioli which totally kicks ass when being eaten with red bell peppers. It's a match made in heaven......
Anyways!....The other week i went to Grocery Outlet in Milwaukie with Jess (of stumptownvegans.com and letsgetsconed.blogspot.com fame) and we found a lot of vegan goodies including Wildwood's Plain and Vanilla Soyogurt 24 oz sizes for only 99 cents! i bought one of each not knowing what i would do with it all before it expires in mid-February. Whenever i buy a big thing of yogurt, which happens every once and awhile since some recipes for baked goods call for some, i always end up throwing most of it away. Well, the other day i remembered all the "muesli" i ate while in Germany. At one of my placements i worked in a kitchen at a conference center. My boss, Ilse, would sometimes concoct a mixture of plain yogurt, milk, oats, honey, shredded apples, banana chunks, other miscellaneous fruit, and nuts and seeds to put on the breakfast buffet. You let it sit for awhile so that the oats would get soft and then eat. I loved it. So the other day i took a glass jar, put some yogurt in it (i did a mix of vanilla and plain the second time to make it less sugary and therefore more healthy), added rolled oats, shredded Gala apple, banana chunks, raw sunflower and pumpkin seeds, raisins, dried cherries and flaxmeal. I didn't add any soymilk or honey/agave since i thought the yogurt to be kinda liquidy and sweet. It was so freakin' delicious! I think i might add some soymilk next time though, it could use a little more liquid.
Portlanders: be on the look for the new Grocery Outlet opening in Hollywood area where Value Village used to be. Just don't hog all the good stuff yourself!!
i really hate oatmeal, but really wish i liked it. i should give this a shot, huh?
nice post! I still have about 1/2 a container myself left..
I have been wondering where all the plain soy yogurt is. Fred Meyer only has vanilla soy and I have ruined countless recipes by using that instead of plain!
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