Friday, January 25, 2008

Soy Nuggets.....

Trader Joe's is probably the weirdest grocery store. They carry some random stuff and they never have sales. Did you notice that? I didn't until my sister mentioned it. They carry the cheapest best wine you can get ("Two Buck Chuck" which is actually a whole 3 bucks up here in Portland). They recently started carrying (these were available in other locations for awhile now but it seems like they just got them here) Soy Nuggets, a vegan chicken nugget. I was *so* excited when i came across these at TJ's. I had heard tale of them but never found them in the store before. The first time i made them, my excitement level dropped tremendously. Alas, they were crisp on the outside but so mush on the inside. Ketchup couldn't help them....The next time i made them i accidently toaster ovened them longer and, whaddayaknow, it improved the mush! I dipped them in a mix of ketchup and mustard and i enjoyed them. The next time i made "special sauce" using vegenaise, mustard and ketchup. I'm not sure if they're worth the price ($3 or something like that), but they fill that chicken nugget craving. Now if only they would make them in that drumstick shape.....

No picture because i didn't take one and apparently nobody else does either....


Anonymous said...

I love them! They completely fulfill my cravings for nuggets or french fries. And I have heard the 'mush' complaint and the 'taste wierd' complaint from multiple sources, but I honestly don't see it. I oven cooked them the first time, 5 min on each size at 430*, and they were great. Then, feeling adventurous, I took them to work and microwaved them, paper towel on top and bottom, 1 min (high) on each side, and still mush-free and great tasting. One of my new Favs.

Anonymous said...

Yum Yum Yum!!! Super healthy .. guilt free and great for folks in a healty eating plan.
The absolutely fulfill one's craving for fried foods but are still healthy ..
I bake them in the oven for quite a while and they get nice & crunchy .