Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 24

Day 24: Your favorite movie and what it's about:

As mentioned in Day 21 post, it would be hard to pick just one favorite of most things. So here are some favorite movies.

Pride & Prejudice (the 6 hour one with this dude)
The Princess Bride
Say Anything...
Sixteen Candles
Wayne's World
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
Buffalo '66
So I Married an Axe Murderer
While You Were Sleeping

I'm not going to tell you what these are about, most likely you already know. Buffalo '66 is maybe the only one you wouldn't know, and you should totally know it! Watch it! A couple times! It really grew on me. It's weird and funny. It made me like Christina Ricci.

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