Thursday, October 23, 2008

The cheese i most miss...

Actually, Vegan MoFo is supposed to be about all the good stuff that is vegan, not what we're "missing" out on....but really, i haven't posted in days and i wanted to post something. i haven't uploaded any new pictures lately and i'm not ready to post about the Missionary Chocolates (coming soon...hint: they were damn good!).....

So the cheese i most miss: feta, i would have to say. I'm a sucker for salty things. When i eat pretzels i usually suck some of the salt off before biting down on them. And when i get to the bottom of the bag, i lick my finger and dip it into the fallen-off salt like it's a Lik-M-Aid. When i was in Germany, my boss made me a special Christmas dinner of a block of feta (about a 3/4 inch thick, 5x3) wrapped in puff pastry, the others were having the same thing but with meat inside. It was tasty. The Greek salad is just, i can't think of that expression! you know like peanut sauce is to noodles....and um.....i don't know....

But really, when it comes down to it, i don't miss cheese. I don't daydream about it. I don't spend time thinking about how i don't get to eat something anymore. I will have occasion thoughts, like "man, havarti cheese sandwiches were really good" or "cheese pizza is damn good." But they're fleeting thoughts and i continue about my day. I've read that cheese has some kind of enzyme or something that makes you kinda addicted to it, so once you haven't had it for awhile, you don't crave it. I don't think i had an addictive response to quitting cheese. Perhaps b/c i still have it on rare occasions? (i don't send food back when i get it accidentally with cheese, i'd just rather not waste. i don't grossed out by cheese, meat, on the other hand, would be sent back) 

In my year in Germany i ate a lot of cheese. I gained 15 pounds, my face rounded out. My sister was excited, thinking that i finally wouldn't be as thin anymore. But, alas, i came back to America and lost the pounds. Not eating bread with butter and cheese, with lots of milk chocolate in addition, will help you lose weight.....


For the Love of Guava said...

I hope that's true about cheese... then I don't have to feel so guilty about it being so hard to give up... I do have to try harder though... good encouragement that the withdrawls will stop eventually! :)

jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

Have you tried any fake fetas, cooks? Joanna's?

And dear readers of Veganshizzle:
Karla is going to learn how to hyperlink this weekend! Sessions linking session.

miss v said...

i made the best 'fake' feta the other night. i'll be posting it on my blog soon (i'm tweaking a few things). so ok, it wasn't 'feta' feat, but it was good enough for me!

Bethany said...

feta does have that nice salty flavor. I don't really miss cheese.

I saw this recipe for vegan feta that I plan on trying.